AprilCoxTravel & Freelance

Empowering women to travel solo with their pets on unforgettable adventures. Curated trips, hidden gems, and a supportive community.

Category: Memorial Day

  • Memorial Day Trip Options in SoCal

    Memorial Day is coming up at the end of next month, so it’s best to plan now. Here are my recommendations for the best Memorial Day Trip Options in SoCal by type of trip. Best Couples’ Destination: Terranea Resort Okay, so Terranea Resort is not really that far outside of Los Angeles in Palos Verdes,…

  • Best Memorial Day Trip Destinations from Los Angeles

    Memorial Day is coming up at the end of next month, so it’s best to plan now. Here are my recommendations for the best Memorial Day Trip Options in SoCal by type of trip. Best Couples’ Destination: Terranea Resort Okay, so Terranea Resort is not really that far outside of Los Angeles in Palos Verdes,…