AprilCoxTravel & Freelance

Empowering women to travel solo with their pets on unforgettable adventures. Curated trips, hidden gems, and a supportive community.

Category: Feminism Blog

  • The Difference Between Pro-life and Anti-Abortion

    The last several years have been a very scary time in America. Donald Trump’s election to the presidency was a low point in the history of our country. And, something that generations to come will condemn us for. Striking down Roe v Wade is just the latest of what they are guilty of, because Roe…

  • Butler

  • young ethnic male with laptop screaming

    My High School & College Experiences

    I wrote last week about growing up as an adult child of an alcoholic. I’ve written on this before, but I went into more detail about my father’s drinking and about the night that he left this time. Now, it’s time to talk about after that. Here are my high school & college experiences. I…

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    My Traumatic Childhood

    I know that I seem to jump around on topics in regards to this particular blog, but really, that’s the point. This blog is meant to be a diary of sorts–a reaction to the events of the past week. And, this week, I’ve been watching a lot of videos about narcissists. And, that stuck with…

  • Creators for Peace and How You Can Help Displaced Children from Ukraine

    The focus on the news these days seems to be Russia’s unjust invasion of Ukraine. There’s speculation into Putin’s mental instability and all of the damage he is causing. The level of trauma he is causing to adults, many of whom who are fleeing the country, is devastating. What’s worse is that half of the…

  • fashion man people woman

    Covert Sexism & the Messages in Media

    I’ve posted about Sexism in Chapters previously on my feminist blog, as well as talked about Twilight and other things referring to covert sexism. Here’s the problem: most people do not believe covert sexism exists. And anyone who tries to raise awareness is called sexist or mentally ill at best. The truth is It’s Not…

  • My Asexual Journey

    While coming to terms with being Demi-sexual and on the asexual spectrum was easy once I had all the information, coming to grips with all it means is another story.

  • Donald Trump is a Feminist Issue

    NOTE: After writing this article, I discovered that Letitia James, Attorney General of NY, is preparing a civil case against Donald Trump. There is a criminal investigation also going on in NY as well. I think that only die-hard Trump supporters would argue that he is not an issue for feminists. He has been accused…

  • The Asexual Spectrum

  • Feminism & Sexuality

    I have been rewatching Sex, Love, & Goop with a friend of mine recently. And, it reminded me about how much we are not taught about sexuality in our current society. Lack of Sex Education Conservatives are trying desperately to remove sex education from schools because they are afraid that children will begin having sex…